A Review for Melanoma Risk Factors

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José María Revilla Apodaca
Ángel Ignacio Garza Zamora
Diego Mendoza Contreras


Melanoma, the most common cutaneous sarcoma, poses a significant health threat due to its metastatic potential. This review explores the causes, risk factors, and associations of melanoma, emphasizing its diverse presentations and diagnostic considerations. UV light exposure, genetic predisposition, and somatic mutations contribute to melanoma development. The disease affects individuals of all races, with varied clinical manifestations. Prevention strategies involve sun protection behaviors, and early detection through surveillance is crucial for optimal outcomes. Treatment modalities, including surgical excision and adjuvant therapies, are contingent on disease stage. Ongoing monitoring and counseling play key roles in comprehensive care. This review aims to enhance understanding of melanoma, guiding efforts toward prevention, early detection, and effective management.

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How to Cite
José María Revilla Apodaca, Ángel Ignacio Garza Zamora, & Diego Mendoza Contreras. (2023). A Review for Melanoma Risk Factors. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(12), 3145–3147. https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v3-i12-41


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